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Preserved memories of urban bohemia- Salvaged from the ravages of time. Raising the bar, Breaking the stereotype, Setting the standard, Rejecting the tradition, Exceeding the norm, Dispelling the myth, Bending the rule, Surpassing the expectation & jumping out of cakes...& in my spare time, I like to pick dandelions

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Friday, October 15, 2010 | 5 photos

I relish in exposing the embellishment that can be found within the informal and seek to capture the aesthetics of sensuous immediacy.
My work is content driven and often involves a momentary experience of saturated colors and thick atmosphere which becomes a notable presence within the images, showing the intricate interactions between people and their surroundings: a young girl climbing her back fence to sneak an inviting peep into my frame, a transgender male pondering, the grave site of a friend's goldfish who died.
I very much enjoy the interior spaces in which private dramas and interactions are often played out: cluttered bedrooms, backstreets, alleyways and downtown bars.

About m0niqu3_

A transgender male giving a speech to friends of mine in a cluttered bedroom at a party

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