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Travels with Gma

Trip: Here I come!

There are [12] stories from my trip: Here I come!

Canada - Vancouver

CANADA | Wednesday, 19 Jul 2017 | Views [548]

I love Vancouver!! I arrived about 2 weeks before Canada's 150th birthday celebrations, so there was a buzz of expectation in the air, but even so, I found so much to do in Vancouver that I didn't get to do everything before I had to move on. Vancouver ... Read more >

Photos: Cusco

PERU | Friday, 16 Jun 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Punta Arenas

CHILE | Thursday, 15 Jun 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Arizona US - Grand Canyon

USA | Wednesday, 14 Jun 2017 | Views [484]

What can  I say about the Grand Canyon except that it's a bloody big hole!  Seeing the Grand Canyon was the one thing I had always said I wanted to do before I die. Well, I've seen it.   Sure, it's extraordinary in size and scope ... Read more >

Photos: Torres del Paine National Park

CHILE | Wednesday, 14 Jun 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Tags: patagonia

Photos: Rapa Nui

CHILE | Friday, 9 Jun 2017 | Photo Gallery

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Macchu Picchu

PERU | Friday, 2 Jun 2017 | Views [351]

There aren't enough words to describe Macchu Picchu - incredible, amazing, stupendous, fascinating ..... choose your own superlative! I left my hotel at 6.30am to catch the bus up the mountain to Macchu Picchu. The queue was long, but not as long ... Read more >


PERU | Wednesday, 31 May 2017 | Views [590]

Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire, and there is still plenty of evidence such as walls, streets, buildings and drainage channels throughout the city.  It was conquered and plundered by the Spanish in the 1500s. My guide during my stay ... Read more >

Punta Arenas

CHILE | Saturday, 27 May 2017 | Views [366]

Punta Arenas is situated on the Straits of Magellan, close to Tierra del Fuego.  As to be expected, Magellan's name and image is everywhere - in statues, street names, etc. One man has taken things to the extreme by hand building a life size ... Read more >


CHILE | Friday, 26 May 2017 | Views [462]

I arrived back in Santiago, and stayed for 2 days before going on to Punta Arenas, situated on the Magellan Strait in Chilean Patagonia.  Immediately upon landing, I boarded a bus for the 3 hour trip to Puerto Natales.  There is an airport ... Read more >

Easter Island (Rapa Nui)

CHILE | Sunday, 21 May 2017 | Views [705]

I landed on Rapa Nui on a bright, sunny day with a gentle warm breeze, and that's how it stayed until I left.  Who could ask for more? Rapa Nui is a small island (only 650 square kilometres) and the locals tell me you can drive around it in about ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 4 May 2017 | Views [537]

It's 8 May 2017, and in just under 2 weeks, I'll be flying out of Sydney for Chile - the beginning of my extended holiday.  I'm looking forward to seeing new places and meeting new people, and I'll keep you updated on where I am and what I'm doing.... Read more >