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Lyd's Photos

Rural Brazilian Coastlines

Brazil | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 5 photos

I am a self-taught experimental photographer who loves to travel and to remember the people, places and scenes I encounter through photography. Photography has always been a hobby of mine, and I am quite loyal to my old, inherited Canon PowerShot A530. When traveling I find myself intrigued by the people, cultural differences and landscapes offered by foreign places. Even when I do not have my camera with me, I see countless pictures that could be.
As much as I love to travel, I also find inspiration in the quirkiness of everyday life at home and believe my voice comes out in my photographs. If I am given the chance to partake in this incredible photography experience, I hope to convey the way I see things to others, and to inspire cross-cultural curiosity for those who may have not previously been interested. I am a strong advocate of intercultural learning and for those unable to travel physically, photography can offer the possibility of traveling visually.

About lyd018

A little lizard on my finger.

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