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The Bright and Shiny Moments From South America

Roadtrip - An Irregular Day In South America

CHILE | Tuesday, 5 November 2013 | Views [890] | Scholarship Entry

The adventure of a road-trip with new friends where we didn’t share a language and the destination was unknown. The piece had to be relatable. Feel like watching a friend’s video. I wanted to capture the film to enhance the road-trip. Brian Rapsey suggests filming with a single-word premise. This projects: Elation - the happiness and excitement of my friends.

Planned, shot and edited ten short films. Four of which were volunteered for social media event promotion.

Make videos that inspire people to think, “why aren’t I doing that?” I want this idea and videos to form the cornerstone of my future business. I’m currently working very hard to make this a reality.

I’ve the most to learn from a mentor about videos and the industry. I’m excited to network and be exposed to the World Nomad audience. I’m going to have a career in this space. I will be someone World Nomads can boast about kick starting. Regardless of whether I win, I hope this submission is the first step in an ongoing relationship with World Nomads.

“Life’s a beautiful struggle, I record it. Hope it helps you maneuvering through yours.” - Macklemore

Tags: Travel Film Scholarships 2013

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