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A long way from home.

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 29 April 2014 | Views [151] | Scholarship Entry

Ever since I became involved in the music industry at the age of thirteen, I have had this desire to go on tour. It's like a feeling I can't shake.

Every time I see a bus, a van or a plane, I immediately imagine filling it with road cases and musicians before hitting the road. Or the the skies. Whatever it took to get us to wherever we would be going and I didn't really care where that was. To me, it's all about the journey and the people that your with, not necessarily the destination at the end of it all.

I didn't know what to expect as I took the bus from across the street to the airport. I was about to embark on my first national tour of Australia with two bands from Perth and was determined to prove myself as a tour manager. Prior to the March Mayhem tour I had only toured once to the east coast with the band that I manage and had toured once int regional Western Australia with that same band.

This tour was different is so many ways. As usual, I wasn't getting paid. In fact as I was paying my own way out of birthday money from my big brother for my 21st. I decided less than one week before the tour started to get on a plane with nine boys I barely knew so that I could gain the experience I needed to further my career in the music industry. I was nervous as hell.

Walking into the airport, I looked for a familiar face which was only recognisable to me after I had googled both band names and stalked their social media pages. I introduced myself to the boys as we checked in our luggage and made our way to the boarding gate. I wasn't my usual outgoing and bubbly self... I was quiet, shy and nervous. So nervous.

Over the following two weeks, I had one hell of an experience. We left luggage at airports, had a flat tire, got lost trying to find venues, arrived late, got stuck in traffic, got into arguments with other bands and promoters; and got sick of each other. I wouldn't have had in any other way though.

I made friends and lost some too. I thought I fell in love, only to be proven wrong... again. I saw parts of Australia that two weeks prior I wouldn't have thought I would have seen so soon. I lost sleep, stormed out of shows in anger, fell in love with live music all over again and amongst it all, I found myself.

This world is crazy. The music industry is even crazier, but finding myself has been the craziest experience of all. My life is a story that I write everyday and I fall in love with it because I know myself. Simply put, I am.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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