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The world according to Lou

All work no play....es mui bueno

GUATEMALA | Saturday, 29 December 2007 | Views [505] | Comments [1]

A week into San Pedro..approaching it from quite a different angle than many Ive met (in fact most ex pats here) yet loving it just the same. Been keeping quite busy and havnt had time to kick back with a bevvy much at all. The local people are (for the most part helpful), caring and funny. The landscape (backdrop to the party) is amazing..gorgeous Lake flanked by 3 volcanoes. Spanish is improving every day which is good, as it seems to take up most of my time tying to learn to speak it! Scored a job in a little cafe run by an Israeli couple making felafels y hummus. Pay covers my room each day I work and I get to eat and drink whatever I want..including water...this is good. Been staying with a local family who provide me three (big) meals a day consisting of mostly meat (chicken or fish) and rice, handmade in front of my eyes every before every meal maize tortillas and some veges. Still another week to go with them, then find a room for a couple more I´d say...

I can see why its easy to get stuck here.

Tags: Culture




We've enjoyed reading your blog, Lou, and glad to know you're having a great time! Keep up the Spanish lessons. Where to next? Did mum and dad mention that Eric and I will be grandparents in July? Anthony and Amy gave us this BIG surprise at Christmas. They are convinced it will be a girl.
Look forward to hearing more of your travels soon.
Love Eric and Mona

  Anne and Morrie Jan 12, 2008 4:37 PM

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