is authorized official Louis Vuitton outlet online store. All the items at this site are made in France, 100% original and brand new from the factory. Louis Vuitton Artsy will come with the original LV paper bag, the authenticity card, serial No., dust bag and care booklet. We promise you 100% satisfaction when you get our bags and you can ask for full refund if you are not satisfied with our products.
Why are the Louis Vuitton Artsy GM so popular? It’s easy: the design is classic and the bag works for everyone. From young twenty-somethings to busy moms to the lady who lunches, Louis Vuitton handbags work for practically everyone. That’s the reason so many love the Louis Vuitton handbags, it works as an schlep-all. The large tote shape can be turned to a city-bag by tightening the side laces. The interior features a long zipped pocket that can fit a wallet as well as D-ring for keys or accessories.
Louis Vuitton Artsy GM Damier Azur Canvas N41173 Handbags:
Capture the spirit of Bohemian chic with the generous Artsy GM. In supple and refreshing Damier Azur Canvas, the exquisite detailing of its ornate handerafted leather handle adds a delightful touch.
-Natural cowhide leather trimmings
-Golden brass pieces and bag charm that can be used inside as a key-hanger
-6 interior patch pockets large enough to accommodate a Zippy Wallet
-Additional interior ling zipped pocket
-D-ring for keys and accessories
-Soft Microfibre lining
-Protective bottom studs
-Size: 19.69" x 9.84" x 14.17"
Louis Vuitton Artsy GM Monogram Canvas M40259 Handbags:
The Artsy GM uses Louis Vuitton's most supple Monogram canvas to capture the essence of bohemian chic. A luxuriously ornate handcrafted leather handle gives this generous tote a refined appeal.
* Size:19.7" x 14.1" x 9.8"
* 6 patch pockets
* 1 long zipped pocket
* 1 D-ring for keys and pouches
* 1 bag charm that can be used inside as a key-hanger
* Protective bottom studs
Frequently asked questions:
1. Are you selling authentic Louis Vuitton?
As you know, our company have been in this line for many years and we won't ruin our reputation to cheat your money. We have received lots of customers' feedback and you can check for more details.
2. Why are your price so inexpensive?
Actually these are the wholesale price for our customers, because most of our customers are long time customers and they stock our bags in large quantity to resell at their location. We welcome our new customers to make trail order to test the authenticity and quality.
3. Is shopping on your site safe?
We are doing honest business. Our company will arrange the shipment and send your goods as soon as we confirm your payment. And we will send you the tracking details once we send your package. It usually takes 5-7 days to ship to your door after your payment. Free Shipping Worldwide & None Taxes Needed!
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