About longlostguy

San Blas Islands, Panama
I started out with my world travels while I was in my 20's. After getting discharged from the Air Force and a stint in different places in Germany, I wanted to see more; so while using my Mothers place in London as my base I set out to backpack around Europe and North Africa for about 9 months. That's nothing unusual, I still see kids in their 20's from all around the world doing that in Hostels where ever I go now. The thing that's different now is that I'm no longer that 23 year old kid, I'm now in my sixties and I want to go to the places that I couldn't get to way back when. Back then I got around mostly by Hitching rides, which is not the easy thing that it used to be. The whold world is too afraid and untrusting now in most places. So after my beginning long flight into Shanghai, I plan to mostly use buses and trains where I can and still just carry a back pack. It's not like this is my first time back on the road since my first trips. I've traved through Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador and three times to China since then; but this is planned to be my longest trip in miles, number of countries and time frame in an awful long time.
Where I've been
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