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L&L On the Road Lars & Louise on a world-sampling tour

Life's a Beach!

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 27 March 2010 | Views [870] | Comments [2]

Ok. So it’s been a while. We’ve been on holiday. Somehow we went from being travelers to becoming lazy vacationers. Right at this very moment, we are in Australia and have turned right back to being proper backpackers.

Ok, this is what we’ve been up to the last, oh, five weeks or so:


Tigers in Chiang Mai

In Chiang Mai we met up with our friends Olof and Rogge, and their local friends who were happy to guide us around town – lovely! We ended up going to the Tiger Kingdom where you are allowed INTO tiger cages, protected by guards with… wait for it… drum roll…. waaaait for it…. Sticks. Not so big sticks. An ordinary brolly would have felt safer, or, you know, a rifle or two, but apparently the tigers have learnt to respect the sticks. The sticks were mighty scary when the tigers were just tiny fur balls. We could only pray that the tigers wouldn’t catch on and realize that said sticks would be excellent toothpicks for after feasting on some yummy tourists… Oh well. The baby tigers, four months old, were adorable albeit a bit feisty. It was a very, very good day!



Koh Phayam

After Chiang Mai we went by train, via Bangkok, to a Thai island called Koh Phayam. It was glorious. We ended up spending two weeks at the same place because it was so damn good. Other guests stayed for MONTHS, and came back year after year. We might too… Nice bungalows, nice beach, brilliant food (!), nice Italian coffee place just nearby, cool hippy bar also nearby, and very good company. Unfortunately we had to catch a flight to Singapore…




We decided to stay at Sentosa Island in Singapore, following advice from some fellow travelers. We were mighty surprised to find that Santosa Island is, well, Disneyland and a beach resort combined. It was fun for an afternoon, but then we started craving adult Singapore and began commuting into town. (Our hotel and hotel pool was great though.)                       

Singapore is very lovely. Not as big as we expected. Not as breathtaking as Hong Kong according to me, but lovely. And their zoo – a must do in Singapore we were told – is extraordinary. We were quite surprised at enjoying it so much as we have had a few real close encounters with the REAL nature as of late, but as zoos goes, this one is really great. We especially liked the night safari where you walk around in the dark and can observe the animals when they are at their most active.

Hmm, what else? We of course did the obvious – Singapore slings at Raffles, eating chili crab etc. (Lars also wants everyone to know that he has discovered a bookstore here with a great, if not amazing, business section – feel free to email him for details if you happen to drop by Singapore and are lusting for some appropriate literature. :) ) 



Bali and the Gilis

From Singapore we flew to Bali, and stayed one day. We realized quickly that our refined taste buds needed something more secluded. Preferably a beach without touts. We found just that on Gili Air, outside Lombok. Great place. Nice beach. Cool people. No police, just a man who was responsible for island security.  Said man was also a proud supplier of ‘happiness’… FANTASTIC snorkeling. I – self proclaimed badkruka (Swedish for swimming pot… Doesn’t translate well… Water chicken maybe? Land crab?) – couldn’t get out of the water. Luuuuved it! They had huge sea turtles that lazily swam with you, which was just amazing, countless of colorful fishes, and poisonous sea snakes. We were ‘lucky’ enough to spot one of these slithering creatures. It almost turned me into a budkruka again, but only almost… We stayed two weeks at this paradise, and took a speedboat back to Bali to catch our flight to Australia. Taking a speedboat is key… We unfortunately took the slow boat (which is actually ferry-bus-then boat) out to the Gilis, and it’s run by proper bastards. They will refuse to honor your ticket if you don’t purchase additional services halfway, like for instance return tickets as it’s impossible to purchase that on the islands, apparently. How ridiculous is that? It’s never going to be a problem booking tickets to get back from a tourist destination (and in this case, you actually get off the boat right next to a ticket booth!). We, of course, refused to pay them more, and things were just turning ugly when one half-decent man finally let us onboard the final boat, stating that he too disliked his devious colleagues. Or he just didn’t want to see me kick their precious asses… Ah well, at least we had a very, very nice holiday after this ordeal, so in the end, it was worth the hassle.



And that’s about it. Now the vacation’s over, and we’re ‘doing’ Australia, most recently in a camper van. Yep, we’re cooked our own food for the first time in six months. Yup, it’s already been six months… Can’t believe it…

Take care,






Lasse och Louise,
Vilken trevlig bekantskap Ni gjort i Chiang Mai; tänker på den fina tigern vi sett i resedagboken. Hoppas Ni ska få en trevlig tid i Australien. Göran var tre veckor i Perth för några år sedan och hade gärna stannat där längre. I Lund har det blivit vår och vi förbereder oss för att fira påsk, dock utan Hans som den här veckan börjat på sitt arbete i London. Göran ägnar sig, utöver studier och vidsidanomjobb, åt karnevalsförberedelser. I går var det Karnebal för 900 karnevalister. Lundakarnevalen som går av stapeln i maj vart fjärde år är en stor händelse här. Dessförinnan får vi till Valborg besök av en student från Tokyo, som Göran blev god vän med i Avignon. Ja, det var lite från vår front.
En fortsatt trevlig resa och Glad Påsk önskas Ni av Erik, Hans, Göran och mig / Gun

  Gun Apr 2, 2010 5:16 AM


Hej Gun,

Tack for den trevliga paskhalsningen. Till Perth kommer vi tyvarr inte, aven om vi har hort mycket gott om den staden. Vi reser langs ostkusten och befinner oss f.n. i Brisbane, eller Brissie som Australiensarna sjalva kallar staden. Ostkusten ar fin, med manga mindre stader att stanna och bada i (Brisbane lite storre dock). Det paminner lite om Skane pa sommaren, men med storre vagor i havet.

Hoppas att ni har det bra. Halsa Goran sa mycket och onska lycka till med Karnevalen. Den kanner vi val till, aven om vi inte har haft tillfalle att se den annu. Vi har hort att Hans har borjat och att han hittat en tjej att dela lagenhet med i Pimlico. Det tror jag blir jattebra. Pimlico ar fint och ligger bra till for bade jobbet och nojen.

Varma halsningar,
Lars & Louise

  Lars Apr 9, 2010 2:45 PM



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