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Small trades in big China. In China's 1.3 billion population, many are street merchants. They practice every trade imaginable. Some are barbers and some are butchers. Here are a few of these people.

About littletrades

A gracious man dressed in an old army coat and hat at a McDonald's in a tourist area of the city of Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province. Each day he spends his time offering to take people's trays away for a little bit of change.

A gracious man dressed in an old army coat and hat at a McDonald's in a tourist area of the city of Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province. Each day he spends his time offering to take people's trays away for a little bit of change.

At 9 years old my parents took my siblings and I to start a new life in Costa Rica. This is when I got my first taste of adventure. Soon after, my dad bought himself a 2 megapixel digital camera for real estate purposes. I borrowed it all the time to shoot anything I found of interest. Then, everything I did, I did to get closer to having a camera of my own. Seven years later, when I was able to afford one, all I did was with and for the camera. I almost never left my flat without it. I was excited about everything, only because I could photograph it. It immediately became a passion. This Passion is the thing that makes me leave the others behind at the camp site or wake up in the middle of the night at my cousin's cabin. This passion is why I climb Volcanos and turn new corners in new cities. This passion is why I travelled from China through Norway. It is the reason I get up early and go to bed late. It's the difference between trying hard and trying really hard and the reason I always want to go further. My passion is travel photography and National Geographic is my Everest. This is my chance to accomplish something big. Please give me a chance to become the best. 

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