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Adventures of a megasaurus

Photos: Thailand part 1

THAILAND | Tuesday, 26 Mar 2013 | Photo Gallery

Bangkok & Chiang Mai
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Thailand, part 1

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 26 Mar 2013 | Views [343]

Sorry for my pathetic lack of blog entries over the past few weeks, as I am now the proud owner of a shiny new Macbook I'll be able to keep in touch more regularly :-)  Here's part 1 of my Thailand trip...   Arrived Bangkok 17th ... Read more >

Last few days in Aus

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 17 Jan 2013 | Views [532]

Well, the last few days of my trip to Melbourne were fab - spent the weekend on the Great Ocean Road, first stop Geelong, where we took a few pics with the various bollards they have there in the shape of people including sailors, fishermen and a town ... Read more >

Australia part 1: Sydney - Melbourne

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 11 Jan 2013 | Views [388]

Well, been here almost 2 weeks and already done so much!  After being ill at home for 2 weeks, developing sinusitis and worrying if I'd be able to fly, I arrived bang on time in Sydney on NYE, went to stay in Normanhurst, a suburb of Sydney, courtesy ... Read more >

Photos: Australia - first leg

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 28 Dec 2012 | Photo Gallery

Sydney - Melbourne road trip
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