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Senegal and beyond


USA | Tuesday, 20 March 2007 | Views [529]

I finally did it! I bought a ticket to Senegal. I have been wanting to go to back to Africa for such a long time. It's been TWENTY FIVE years since I left Nigeria. I can't believe that myself!! So, I am off on Saturday, March 24th. I will spend the day in London-hope to hook up with Nikki, my old roommate from Brooklyn- and then off to Dakar on the 26th to meet up with Becca. Nikki was a student at Parsons when we lived together in tehe early '90's. After a stint at Gucci, she now designs her own baby clothes. Check out her website... the clothes are super cute and great quality. If you only want the best for your baby you will want some Nikkitabella designs! www.nikkitabella.com Now, Becca and I met in Paris many years ago. She's a friend of my first love, Eric Bordreuil, who introduced us when I was visiting Paris in 1999. He invited her out with us one night since my French was so marginal and she speaks English. She's a bright and beautiful world traveler and she now teaches in Dakar where she lives with her son, Amran. I hope, when I am there, to get involved in some volunteering or at least spend time in villages communing with the locals. I know Becca has a whole slew of international friends and will have me involved inall sorts of fun. For now, I must run off to Staples where I found a great camera on line which they have in stock. Must take loads of photos while there... who knows when I will get back there again!

Tags: The Planning Phase

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