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A moonlit scramble up and down Lion's Head

SOUTH AFRICA | Wednesday, 20 May 2015 | Views [182] | Scholarship Entry

I had been in Cape Town a month. I was in love with the city, it's culture, food and vibrancy but nothing had screamed at me yet. My flatmates kept saying "what is my life?" In astonishment at something we did but nothing yet had jumped at me. Then I did the full moon hike up Lion's Head and my sleepy traveller self re-awoke and to think I almost didn't do it!

I was hung over. We had all gone out the night before and the prospect of clambering up Lion's Head at a fast pace wasn't exactly on my list of priorities. Thankfully my friend Naoeme was more gung-ho and got me moving albeit a bit late. We threw on walking shoes, warm layers, grabbed snacks, hopped a cab and told him to go as quickly as possible to Lion's Head. We were the only ones on the path and it truly was a race against the sun. We had 20 min to get to the top so we could watch the sunset so taking a deep breath off we charged. The walk itself isn't a difficult. If you are in good health and don't mind using chains and ladders to scale the final few meters you'll be grand.

Pulling ourselves up through the last crevice we we found our friends sitting on blankets, taking photos and eating the picnics they had put in their rucksacks over looking Camps Bay. Watching the clouds fall over the Twelve Apostles, the ocean turn from blue, to purple, and gold - it was impossible not to feel in awe.

Once the sun was set we all changed direction to face the rest of Cape Town and watch the large harvest moon rise. The day Cape Town, busy streets and concrete buildings disappeared under a sea of twinkling lights. I felt like I was in a National Geographic Magazine and wished that I had a tripod and a better camera.

We stayed until the moon was half way up and the wind started to go through our sweaters. As we both only had our phone flashlights we decided to take advantage of the people who hadn't forgotten that half the walk would be in darkness and brought head lights and follow them down. By the time we reached the flatter part of the path the moon was out in full, the fireflies dancing and the light of the city filled the sky. My eyes adjusted to the dark as we were guided down the path by the light of the moon and the fireflies. My sense of wonder and awe came rushing back and I had my " I am in Cape Town and this is unbelievably amazing" moment, realising I had made the right choice. All I could wish for was a Port key or a Tardis so I could whisk in my family and friends and say "Look!"

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

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