I found my way to the Garhwal Himalayas through yoga. Studying Tantra and Avaita Vedanta in the Himalayan Tradition, I found sages, swamis and pandits who spoke of the inherent spirituality of the mountains, often referring to them as "living sages". Inevitably, my heart told me that it was time to experience this land for myself.
So off I went to India * , yoga mat and cameras in hand, with the intention of (re)connecting with my spiritual ancestral roots as well as my roots as an artist. As I ventured into the unknown territory of spiritual pilgrimage, high altitude and (mostly)foreign culture, I found myself having to consciously put the camera away for the direct experience of being present within the journey. And yet, the amazing beauty of this land and it's people spoke so compellingly to my artist's eye that I had to document some of it.
These images barely begin to capture the incredible spirit of these mountains and the people who live there. My only hope is that they encourage everyone who is able to visit the Himalayas and witness for themselves the spirit of these living Sages, allowing their songs of joy to whisper through all hearts, as they have whispered so sweetly through mine.