My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
USA | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 4 photos
Early explorers of our world thought that if you sailed to far west into the new world, you would drop off a plane into nothing. When I was younger and I moved every 3 years, I often thought this was the case. Going too far and not being able to return. It was only when I was able to look back at the photos taken over that time I noticed how not only crucial but beautiful this ability to document time and space at a given moment. Being able to return to any moment in my life through a single photograph.
My father’s job always keeps us on our toes, or I should say on airplanes, but having this privilege to be born in Canada, go to middle school in Australia, and graduate high school in the United Kingdom, has given me the opportunity to be exposed to different ways of living.
Using photography, I am beginning to learn how to capture my interactions with these newly discovered destinations I have been and re-experience each moment through each exposure.
I believe that this scholarship to Greenland mentor with a not only skilled but well travelled Photographer will help me better my understanding on how document some of the vast amount of beauty our world has.
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