Okay, so day two completed . It turns out that I have free internet access at our new hostel, so I´m gonna blog as much as possible for the next few days. Don´t know what kind of access we will have once we leave antigua on sunday. yesterday turned out ot be a great day overall. made a few great connections with other gringos living here. Found out about some volunteer projects going on around and in antugua, but due to the the fact that the cost of living is the highest in antigua (almost as high as columbus for food etc..) probably won´t volunteer here...we walked about a half mile with all of our gear today to change hostels and I have decided that I want to get rid of a lot of my stuff. I´m gonna give it a month or so though until I make that decision. Along the same lines I was showereing this morining and decied that Im gonna try to cut out as much as can stand in the way of hygeine etc. (hence the title of the blog...mostly a joke, but you never know)...
We did alot of exploring today . Saw these huge amazing ruins of an old monestary. Unfortunetly antigua had many really large earthquakes that lasted until mid seventies or something, so much of the original beauty of the buildings is gone...
Arrived at the "jungle party" hostel today. It´s this really cool looking hostel geared towards, you guessed it, middle class travelers in their twenties. Ive been here about twenty minutes, and have decided that they can be an obnoxious breed (realize the hypocrisy of this statement, but whatever). It´s the quiet season now so its more like "the day after the junge party", you know subdued with the toilets all plugged up from the previous evenings excursions...
missing some people right now :(, but i´m overall happy...