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The Global Citizen

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Australia | Monday, August 9, 2010 | 5 photos

Hi there!

My name is Laura and I am a third year student studying photography at university. I am extremely dedicated to producing the best work possible, am prepared to fight for a photography career and am determined i will win that fight to achieve my dream career and be rechognized for what i do as a professional photographer.

This competition, to me, is something that will create a very large ripple affect in order to achive what I want to do with my life. As a follower of National Geographic since a child, I would be extremly humbled and grateful if this opportunity was given to me. I can promise the prize givers that if i were to be selected i would give you 110% and would get you the results you desire.

Thank you for taking the time out to read what I have to say.


Laura C

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