Say whatever, but I honestly didn't find Guangzhou (or Canton, as we know in the West) a nice place. I would skip it, totally. I would use the three days I spent there in Beijing. Or em Yunam. Or somewhere else.
As we were there, and bored, decided to see the foreign concession, Tianjin, in the middle of the town. For a long time (cant remember how many years), foreing countries (England, Japan, Belgium and France) occupied the tiny bank of sand in the middle of the river for trade purporses. It was like another territory, with it's own rules and divisions. The concession was also phisycally apart from the rest of town: heavy gates were set at the end of the conecting bridges to avoid visitors. After few riots and strikes the foreigns lost the foreign autonomy. And then the war and the comunism finished the rest of the story.
The place is nicely designed and the old buildings are still there. If you are planing to see, go during the day. In the night is a little dark.
The rest is pretty much the same: temples and comunist spots.
I wouldn't visit Guangzhou again. Sorry.