About larachristie
When I was born the doctors thought I was blind, a complication from an illness during pregnancy. It seems an unlikely aspiration to photography given my beginnings. I always had an unshakeable sense of wonder with the world. It was the beauty in every fractured detail that first brought the camera to my eye. How the light falls and changes, the burst of colour in marketplaces and the paint of decaying homes. The philosophy underlying my photography is the deconstruction of landscape, the poverty, the clothing to reveal we are all connected on a very human level.Thus I am drawn to photographing the unguarded moment the universal recognition of joy, sadness, hope, disappointment or humility. My attempt to capture the threads I see that connect us all to the very fabric of this world. This scholarship is an unparalleled opportunity for me in the field of Travel Photography as a career. From working with clients and their briefs, getting contacts to expert shot composition, light manipulation and lessons only learnt when things go wrong in the field, photographing until my bones ache my eyes hurt but my smile radiating waiting for the elements to come together for that one great shot.