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Ploomer's Plight

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Thursday, August 12, 2010 | 5 photos

One country. Five islands. Sumatra. Java. Bali. Lombok. Sumbawa. Can one photo sum up an entire island of inhabitants, its culture and essence? Not a chance. These photos are not so much the story of these islands but the story of my journey across the archipelago. There is a defining aspect to the nature of these photos and their relation to the place. This is true. However, they are much more a representation of how the experience flowed through me and what left the deepest impression. I was lucky enough to capture this on film but even if I had not these are the moments that are with me still and remain as vivid in my mind as they do on the screen. These are the moments that became a part of me.
Photography is art. Art is up for interpretation, which I suppose is the whole point. The idea is to make people feel, to evoke emotion, to perhaps tell a story. Both tangible and intangible. Make people see what you see, feel what you feel. Bring it all to life. And, most importantly, do it in a way no one else can.
The ability to tell a story through photos is especially important when trying to provide insight into the anomaly that is Bhutan. Unlike so many other parts of the world Bhutan remains relatively inaccessible for all but a privileged few. Most people will never have the chance to gaze upon the magic and mystery of this country nestled on the roof of the world. That is where I come in. Tell a story. Make it bright. Make it vivid. Do it in a way that preserves the essence of the place and my experience there. Do it like no one else.

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