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My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Worldwide | Monday, November 7, 2011 | flickr photos


My name is Kostas Pikoulas and I’m from Greece. Why should I win this contest? This goes back since my early childhood! Affected from my father, his slr and his love for photography, I started shooting years ago and dreamed of having my own slr some day.

So, last year I took some lessons and bought my own slr! With every lesson, I wanted to learn more, to practice more, to shoot more, to search for new projects to shoot and someday become a professional!

Nature was always a favorite theme. I believe people have to connect more with nature. We’re a part of it anyway but we seem to forget… Well, I try not to, by capturing the perfection of it! Travel photography takes you to new places, to new nature sites, to new people, so I love it.

The other thing I love is photojournalism! I like the intense feelings it provides (especially in action themes) and the ability to narrate through images. Since travel photography is similar to photojournalism in the story telling matter, it’s a dream come true if I win this! I combine the two things I love to shoot!

So, this competition is a chance to learn from a professional, travel, see new cultures, learn new things, gain experience in life and photography, practise in the actual field, feel, live, make my dream come true! I sure won’t waste that chance because it’s a key step to join professionals which I always wanted, especially in the two fields I love to shoot!

I quote from the site, “This will involve long days, early mornings and late nights working!”… Well, isn’t that life? It sure is and I want to live! My motto is “carpe diem” (taken from a well known movie) and I intend to do so!

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