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A gift for the Kings

CYPRUS | Thursday, 15 May 2014 | Views [180] | Scholarship Entry

The air was hot but the constant howling of the wind kept its clutches at bay. I climbed up the side of the ruin as my friend and her mother waddled off in the distance. They had been here multiple times before and I was the one to drag them back to the Tombs of the Kings which where now all too familiar to them. It probably would have gone by faster for them if I acted like 'just a tourist' but I am more than that. Rummaging around the tombs, I hop and glide on the rocky cliffs and swing my arms out to balance myself. I don't read the little information platforms along the trails, of which I also try to avoid. There will always be time for reading, but at this moment all I want is to explore every nook and hidden passageway that I can. I wave at them from atop a tomb. They shout something back at me, probably trying to tell me to move on from this rock to the next, but all I can here is the wind. It is peaceful up here, I'm not very high and as I look off into the distance I can see bigger and better ruins to explore. I catch up with them and quickly head up the next set of rocks, I snap some pictures of the view. My friend does not follow, no one else seems to be exploring the site as much as I am. All the tourists, following the paths, sticking to formalities. I spot another tourist glance up at me as I climb to the top, he smiles not to me but his partner but I can tell he likes the idea of exploring in high places as well. He quickly scurries up the cliff side and I greet him with a smile as he reaches the top. He calls back down to his friend in french and takes a few photos. I explore the peak of the ruin, he follows at a distance respectfully and intrigued at the tombs as much as I am. I can tell my party is getting impatient so I decide to head to the last set of tombs, I smile a goodbye at the french man, he nods smiling and we go our separate ways.I meander my way through the last tomb, tripping and getting some scrapes and bruises along the way. The ground is steep and stoney.Rounding a corner I spot a secret set of stairs, narrow and dark, and I make my way down them. I reach a small well. I find it funny to see one so secluded in a tomb so I bend over to look down and just as I do I lose my footing and my sunglasses slip from my head and plummet to the depths. A piece of me now rests among the ancient tombs. I will never forget that day, so simple, nothing particularly exciting, but it was rewarding, strangers and sunglasses all the same.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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