I have never considered writing a journal or blog before. So if I seem a little boring or long winded, bare with me I will endevour to improve upon my writing and hopefully provide some interesting reading.
A little about my adventure in Asia so far. Having left New Zealand I have spent the last 2 and a half years living in Ulsan, South Korea where I have been employed as an ESL Instructor working in the private academy system. It's been a mix of frustration, annoyance, boredom and excitement. Bottom line, it's hard work but the benefits are definitely there. Anyway after having seen a lot of Korea and all it has to offer, I have chosen to seek a warmer climate, a different language and a new culture....heading for Thailand in about a week. I have traveled to Thailand in the past for short trips, however have always wanted to spend a bit longer there, have a really good look. Am looking at the possibility of doing some teaching there also.
Right now I am in Seoul,having completed my contract and moved out of my apartment. I am currently residing in what I would consider the smallest hotel room in Seoul. Well, it's not really a hotel, more like a hostel, however when booking my room online, I booked a "single suite". You'd expect with a title like that, there'd more at least a little more space to move around without bumping into something. I can't even take one step in any direction, nevermind it has everything one could need and the price is right. They say the camera never lies.....HAH! Definitely trickery here. Nevermind as I write this I am suffering the flu of sorts so am becoming very intimate and knowledgeable with nook and cranny of my little room.
Tomorrow's another day