It's pouring with rain so I'm sheltering in an Internet cafe.
+Visited Glowworm Caves in Waitomo. Adult male glowworms apparently have no mouth and can't eat so die. Hmmm...
+Stayed in a converted train carriage (supposedly there was a ghost which roamed around in it at night, but I slept soundly so can't verify the rumor).
+Soaked in mineral springs in Rotorua, saw mud pools, geysers, a Maori show, and the museum in Rotorua.
+The water runs clockwise down the plughole, at least according to my research.
+Saw the Southern Cross constellation.
+Saw a sheep show. I'll let you figure out what in the world a sheep show is about.
+Now in Lake Taupo, which is a very nice place (all the places I've been to have been very nice) but it's raining here.
+Found currant buns!!! Love all this English food.
+Love the NZ countryside,green rolling hills, sheep, cows, pine forests.
+Next stop Wellington, the capital city. Going there by bus.
+Val has now left to return to her home in Auckland. Was great traveling with her. I've never met anyone who has traveled as much in the world as she has and with such a great attitude to travel. She and her husband and family are amazing folk, I think.