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Life in a Lens

Life in a Lens

USA | Thursday, November 20, 2014 | 5 photos

I grew up on a berry farm in New Jersey with my mom and dad 2 brothers 2 sisters, a couple dogs, bunch of chickens, and a lot of blueberry bushes on 15 acres of property. I graduated high school in 2009 and started working with my father in construction building houses..which I'm still doing now. I know I'm not here to be a farmer and I know I'm not a carpenter. But I recently got a camera and fell in love. I guess it all started when I got my first iPhone. Thats when I first started taking pictures and started posting them on instagram and friends would say i needed to get a camera. So i did. I shoot to show people what I see. Or maybe what needs to be seen. I realize the beauty thats overlooked and around us every day and I shoot to capture it. Last January me and a buddy hiked Kalalau Trail in Hawaii, and from that trip came a craving to travel more and see the world. A huge dream of mine is to be able to travel with a camera and bring back the moments and places that are captured. Everyone needs to see. I humbly and confidentally believe theres a lot of potential in my perspective.

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