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There are [48] photos and [11] stories about USA

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Photos: Kauai

Thursday, 25 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

Kauai, Hawaii
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Kauai Paradise

Saturday, 20 Mar 2010 | Views [2918] | Comments [4]

I recently returned from an amazing trip to Kauai. I went there by myself, without actually knowing a soul. This is the second time that I’ve traveled alone and I highly recommend it! However if you are a woman traveling alone you must be extra ... Read more >

Tags: alone, hawaii, hostels, kauai, paradise, solo, sunset, tips, woman, women

Gallery: Burning Man 2009

Sunday, 11 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Burning Man 2009 - All is Revealed....

Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009 | Views [1343]

The Beginning: I didn’t think that this year my burning man experience could have been more difficult than it was last year. I was wrong. Difficult doesn’t necessarily mean bad but it doesn’t usually mean good either. My word for this year is deconstruction.... Read more >

Tags: burning man 2009, dancing, desert, music, playa, recovery

Hostel Information - Mainly focused on China but good all around hostelling info none-the-less

Saturday, 13 Jun 2009 | Views [1104]

Book it in advance – via email or phone (they fill up quickly) China approximately - $3 for a shared dorm room (4 or 6 beds) and $22 for a single; $20 for a double. Ask hostels for all your information: o    They will translate everything into Chinese ... Read more >

Tags: china, gulin, hangzhou, hostel, hostelling, hostels, li river, travel, xingping, yangshuo

China unabashed…

Friday, 29 May 2009 | Views [876]

So I realize there are a lot of things I want to say about china and my experience there that I’m not for fear of offending someone… but what good does it do to hold my tongue? It doesn’t benefit myself. It doesn’t benefit others who are thinking of traveling ... Read more >

Tags: china, hangzhou, prejudice, travel

China - Haggling (with an adjunct on eating for cheap and the 2 MUSTS to bring to China)

Tuesday, 26 May 2009 | Views [943] | Video

OK so the secret to haggling is – you can’t want it. If you don’t want it, you hold all the cards. The best deals I got were when I didn’t give a flying F if they sold it to me or not. Here are some examples: I walked into a scroll shop on HaFeng ... Read more >

Tags: china, eating for cheap, food, friends, hafeng, haggling, hangzhou, scorpion eating, travel, yangshuo

China - A retrospective

Monday, 25 May 2009 | Views [701]

Written 5/8/09 It’s been 3 weeks today since I returned from China and already so much has changed. My entire consciousness shifted during the 5 weeks I was there and I realize now that I’ve returned a different person. My initial reactions ... Read more >

Tags: china, comfort level, friends, home, perspective, retrospective, taxis, travel


Saturday, 23 May 2009 | Views [689] | Comments [1]

Shanghai - Written 4/5/09 There were a few things that summed up China for me today… I was riding on the underground subway and I was the only non-Chinese person on the subway. Most of the time I’ve been here I have traveled w/other white peeps or ... Read more >

Tags: china, food, friends, shanghai

Hangzhou China - Excerpt 2

Friday, 8 May 2009 | Views [982]

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 Tons o' Pics HERE!!!! The weather has been fantastic!! It’s been around 60 degrees both day and night!!! The other day, Monday I think it was, our fellow students arrived. There are about 18 of us I think. They are ... Read more >

Tags: acupuncture, china, food, hangzhou, recovery, student, study, traveling, west lake

Getting Ready For China

Monday, 2 Mar 2009 | Views [672]

I leave for China in 13 days! I wish I could say I’m ready to go but I’m not. And that has to be OK too. My plan is to blog while I’m there. It takes a lot to get ready for a big trip. Planning, buying, packing, more planning. It’s not as simple as ... Read more >

Tags: china, getting ready, packing



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