My Photo scholarship 2010 entry
Worldwide | Saturday, October 16, 2010 | 5 photos
These photos were taken on my Milford Track trip. The difficulty was choosing only 5 photos amongst the couple of hunderd I took. I wanted to convey the magical nature of the area. If there really is a "Lord of the Rings" country then it has to exist in the Fiordlands National Park in New Zealand. You can almost believe you'll see elves in the woods or dwarves in the high mountains.
The first photo is of a small stream just off the track. A place you might see Frodo and his group stopping to have lunch.
The second photo is of the forest overhanging the Clinton River and could be Fanghorn forest where the trees move.
The third photo is the climb up Machinnon Pass and looks a place where you might see dwarves on the high slopes.
The forth photo is of the temperate rainforest where you can believe its a place of elves.
The last photo is of Mackay Falls and has to be one of the most beautiful falls in the park.
Why do I want this scholarship? I love photography and with my recent redundancy have been given a chance to see how I can take it. I'm at a point in my life where I want to do something I love rather than just work to collect a pay cheque. This trip will give me an opportunity to see what gear a professional takes on a photo shoot and the time and planning that goes into taking a great series of shots. Plus I've always wanted to go to Bhutan. I've experienced Kashmir and Nepal earlier in my travels and always wanted to go to Bhutan as well but the cost was out of my budget. Looking forward to hearing from you and giving any extra information you need to chooes me for this trip.
Regards Ken
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