Its not like ranibows and butterflies,always! And the first couple of days in Cape Town have not quite been like I'd expect them to be.For now, am holed up in this room.To tell the truth, am a bit apprehensive, more of an introvert. So you'd expect me to take my time and settle down. The people am putting up with are really friendly, you know, the kinds who always have a smile on them. But its just myself, maybe I don't want to give myself in , I have these stupid notions in my mind which don't let me be me. To talk of Cape Town,little have I seen though, but its got me, ecpecting better things.Got to get down with new guys so that I can go out and explore. One that am the only one from asian subcontinent maybe a let down. But we have to rise above this, these boundaries, damn, am a global citizen. Like everybody in here is. We are not gonna plague ourselves with these dogmas. I know people want to talk, want to know, but apprehensions.I guess my eyes have beared enough strain from the past two days. Anyways,the weekend got me wholed up but it could'nt have been possible without me being an introvert.I want to get over that feeling of being alienated. Like I was talking to a friend, and I told him that am not alienated at all but somewhere deep inside me, I know, something is wrong. And that has bears to me, the way I behave.
I know there is gonna be sunshine,better days. Tommorow we'll be going on a sightseeing trip, want to click click click!
And I took a picture of the bookshelf in my room. And after three months, I'll take another picture, of the bookself.That would some up my stay. Voila!