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Our World Adventure Stevie and Kat's big adventure!

Sailin up the Mekong to Cambodia!

CAMBODIA | Friday, 10 October 2008 | Views [755] | Comments [3]

Two choices lay open to us as to how we would enter Cambodia, one was to take a bus which would take us to Phnom Penh directly, the other was to take the boat up the Meokong river, which seemed like a far cooler way to do the crossing!

Our boat ride took us up to a small border crossing where we had to get off the boat to get our passports stamped, once this was done we walked to another boat which would take us to Cambodia.  The journey took around 4 hours, but was a most enjoyable experience! As we ventured up the River, it was immediately clear that Cambodia was different than Vietnam, the land is flatter, we saw huge beautiful tempels with monks standing at the side of the river, and hundreds of cows grazed looking out at us lazily.  I think the best part was probably the kids, who after hearing the engine of the boat, ran out to wave at us from their houses - we must have waved at hundreds!

It was a wonderful trip, everyone relaxed around our boat reading, sleeping and taking photos of the new land we were slowly approaching.  




Hello Sweeties !
I dont think I have ever called Stevie sweetie before, but distance makes the heart grow fonder !
I just dont know where to start to react to all these adventures you two are having, It sounds marvelous !Here Auttumn has really started, with the rayburn on , so that the kitchen is nice and warm, and the pumpkins already in place. The trees are red brown and golden, , Ireland is beautiful at this time of the year ! Keep the stories coming ! What about some more photographs ?love Tien

  tineke Oct 17, 2008 4:39 PM


Hellooo poppets!!!!!
It all sounds so exciting!!!
I bet when you come back, you both will look the like bush-bush men!! with the beards, ripped clothing, scars, smelly, dirty.. the whole pakkage!! haha!!
See you next month;)
lil sib

  Sara Oct 17, 2008 9:24 PM


Met volle belanstelling lees ik nu bij Lisette jullie verhaal. Wat zullen jullie een hoop zien en meemaken. Soms zijn we jaloers op jullie. Hoe is t met de sterren, zie je ze nog? We zijn nu in NI voor Rachel's verjaardag. We zijn er nu vier dagen en we hebben al 4 dagen zon gehad. Morgen gaan w eweer naar je meoder en zaterdag weer naar huis. We wensen jullie nog een zegenrijke reis en we horen wel weer van jullie. Liefs Opa en Oma.

Hoi katrijn, hoe gaat ie? wat klonk je bootreis fantastisch zeg. De kinderen die zo aan t zwaaien waren, schattig, en wat apart dat je zo t verschil opmerkte tussen de twee landen. Veel plezier en liefs, Lisettexxx

  oma Oct 28, 2008 8:40 AM

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