My Video scholarship 2010 entry: Industrial Evolution
CANADA | Saturday, 31 July 2010 | Views [280] | Scholarship Entry
I have made several adventure documentaries on my own steam, be it to Canada's arctic or the brothels of Southern India, but this video, Industrial Evolution is close to my heart and home. In northeastern British Columbia, Canada, a region often considered pristine, the oil and gas industry exploits the landscape unchecked. Worldwide, flaring has been recognized as unnecessary and harmful to both humans and animals, let alone the natural environment. Yet in British Columbia, outdated government regulations allow this practice to continue. Industrial Evolution is a shocking visual encounter with one family's experiences in the realm of flaring.
The challenges I faced in this project were not only technical as I learn, live, and shoot physically isolated from filming communities and resources, but also social, as I confronted not only big industry, but also my neighbours who profit from resource extraction on their land.
After years of self-development in the arts, video has become my passion. Through this medium, I can disseminate seldom heard information that is pertinent for social justice. My experience as a visual artist provides me with a unique perspective that enhances the viewer’s experience.
An opportunity to work with an experienced filmmaker will stimulate my dedication in connecting remote regions with the rest of the world.
Tags: 2010 travel video scholarship