So we are home again. It's hot and my fot is hurting. It is swollen and complains about long planetrips. 26 hours New Zealand - London. And, since the plane was delayed we had to run and stress through London Airport (Heathrow) to get oour next connexion. Luckily our bags went directly or we would have missed it.
2 extremely tired passngers were probably observed in Madrid waiting for last connexion to Las Palmas, with piles of clothes. I had on: singlet, flannelshirt, fleece, windjacket. Long underpants, jeans, boots!! After a while it became quite hot, but we had no more space in our suitcases (one of which, by the way, has lost it's way).
Wolfgang met us at the airport about 35-6 hours since departure from Auckland!
Today is a day of tidying up. I have spent quite a lot of time on the phone because of messages on out answering machine: Somebody had not given the message on about us being on holiday, so UPS has been looking for us to deliver our new printer - no easy task to find them again. And I have just misssed an appointment with a specialist as they only call you by phone and tell you when it is some time before!! Buggars!! I tried so hard to find somebody that could answer that one before I left.
Anyway - don't want to end this with all complaints.
Had a lovely 20 min chinese massage in Hong Kong airport. The sun is shining and it's not as hot as anticipated. Just holiday-nice.
OK - folks! Been a wonderful holiday and we hope you have enjoyed following us!! Hopefully the suitecase comes today or tomorrow. It contains quite a lot of presents for some of you, so pray..
Lots of love.