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A Timely Lesson from an Astrologer

INDIA | Saturday, 3 May 2014 | Views [613] | Scholarship Entry

Pt. Tripathi is poised, draped in a crisp shalwar qameez. A string of wooden beads sits loosely around his neck, his forehead a horizon for a crimson tikka. There’s humbled kindness in his voice and he can’t stop smiling. After we exchange Namaste we sit on a secluded couch. I sit patiently, ready to follow instructions. He asks me to complete a form in his bulging notebook. He’s after specifics – name, date, time and place of birth. He fishes out a magnifying glass from his bag and inspects my palms, showing attention to the right one. He analyses my eyes, and the spiritual one that’s buried in my forehead. He pulls back and retrieves a sheet of paper with headings – love, work, health, instruction. Pt. Tripathi inks some numbers before he raises his head. “You’ll have two children by the time you’re 37,” he predicts in a soft, assertive voice. He then tells me things about my life; eerily uncanny things. There were three ages when I experienced significant events. I pinpoint these – graduating from university, travelling overseas for the first time and the passing of my grandmother. He says I’m open-minded but I’m too fast in my life. “Your lucky numbers are 9, 18 and 27”. Apparently, this is a perfect set; all three numbers relate to the number 9. This is very lucky and rare in Astrology. “Your lucky day is Tuesday,” he insists. Strangely enough, today is Tuesday. “Your life is perfect overall.” But, there’s a twist. “I am concerned about your stomach. There’s nothing too much to worry about.” He’s right, though; I suffer from indigestion. He scribbles away and prescribes some remedies. “Travel is good for you. And walking is good”. Pt. Tripathi instructs me to wear a ruby set in a gold ring on my right ring-finger. After some time, Pt. Tripathi hands me my astrological charts, personality profile and predictions with an encouraging smile and farewell. With a glowing smile he spins around and floats to the dark alleyway outside. I then head back to my hotel. When I arrive at my room’s door I struggle with the lock. I realise I’m one floor lower from where I should be. I swing around in frustration, racing to the nearest stairs. I trip over and fall heavily to the marble floor. My belongings scatter everywhere and my knee cries out in pain. I will never forget today when I received a timely lesson from an astrologer.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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