I have now been working for a few weeks and I´m not sure why I chose to do manual labour in 30 degree heat, duh!
I work at two different sites, Mon, Weds and Friday is my favourite site, at an nursery in a little town called Rio Chico, only downfall is a one hour walk there and back. Most of the time I pack small plastic bags with soil ready for planting seedlings, sometimes I get to plant the seedlings too! Stand back Percy Thrower. The guy I work with has been here for only two years but has already planted 40,000 trees. I´m wondering how many I´ll need to plant before I can offset my carbon footprint of my journey here! Sometimes I am up the mountain here on my own, which was a little creepy at first but I´m fine with it now, or was....they warned me I might meet a bull on the way up but nobody mentioned the tarantuals whilst I was up there!!! I´m proud to say I was less than 5 metres from one yesterday and didnt scream at all!
On Tues and Thurs I go to a site up a mountain in Rio Chico, there isnt a lot for me to do here. Its an orchard and the guys clear the weeds back and I clear around the bases of the trees and create a well for water. The guys here dont work very hard and are on a break more often than they are working.....sounds like some contractors I know back home, not mentioning any names!
Both locations are beautiful and very peaceful. Its a joy to go to work, I even went in when I was sick!!!
Next week I start travelling round Ecuador...my route is all planned but may change due to the floods that have occured in the last week or so in central Ecuador.