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My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | 3 photos

I went for the skiing but I came home with a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us every day. I stumbled across these beautiful trees quite by accident, amidst a busy ski village in Cran Montana, Switzerland. It was late afternoon, just on dusk, when the light has a strange way of romanticising your surroundings. Ironically, at that particular moment, I was as far removed from romantic as you get... arguing over something trivial with my soon to be husband. While he stormed off ahead of me, I stopped to catch my breath. Towering above me, these trees seemed to be whispering, ‘stop, breath and appreciate what you have right here, right now’. As I snapped away on my “been-dropped-a-thousand-times-cybershot” I had no idea just how significant these photos would become. This montage of photos understatedly hangs on a wall in our house and signifies the importance of taking the time to stop, breath and appreciate the simple things.
Why should you choose me?
Like so many people before me I doubted myself, was it silly to post these photos? Was it only me who appreciated their strikingly simplistic nature? In a world of ever increasing complicity, I choose the uncomplicated. It is a known fact that Bhutan has been labelled one of the happiest countries in the World. What a fantastic opportunity to capture the spirit of happiness and share the images of what constitutes happiness with thousands of people around the world. I am a blank canvas, with little to no experience, but I would be honoured to learn from the best. My current work as a school teacher requires me to teach, but I prefer to inspire and I see the world of photography as a fantastic way to do just that.

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