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Adventures in the Kingdom

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

United Kingdom | Wednesday, July 3, 2013 | 5 photos

The desire to create art from my photographs has come within the last ten years. Being a deep thinker, I have always held an appreciation for photographic art, enjoying the process of contemplation on what the artist was trying to convey. Hence when I take my photographs, my mind is ticking over with the themes and messages I am trying to capture at the time. My passion is seeing God’s creation through nature and how such perfect design must point to a Creator. I love to use photography as a way of opening people’s eyes to this viewpoint, of showing others the wonder and awe that is present in nature. I get excited at taking photographs of the utmost beauty, the idea that I could inspire people from the images I capture. My goal is to create pieces of art through nature and use them as a way of showing who God is. It gives me pleasure to pass this art on to others, knowing it will cause them to think, inspire and encourage. I would love this opportunity to go deeper into practical techniques to build upon my skills. I welcome more knowledge on creating the best pictures for my purpose. I am very willing to learn in order to improve my work to boost a career in art photography.

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