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Galleria he Sunday afternoon Galleria, or rooster fighting, in the Nicaraguan City of Leon is an old local tradition. Families and friends gather to eat, drink, gamble and watch the roosters fighting each other. Despite the blood the roosters rarely die and are in

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Nicaragua | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

My name is Jovan and i've been taking photos for 12 years. I always wanted to be a professional photographer and when I was 20 I put together my first porfolio and I applied to do a four year photography degree. I received 600 out of 600 points for the portfolio and was offered a place. Unfortunately at the time I was living out of home and was financially not in a position to do the course. I've always regretted not finding a way to do it as I spent the next five years in a job I disliked and eventually came to the conclusion that photography is the only job I want to do. I have been taking photos consistently since I bought my first camera and my main love is telling stories through my images. In 2012 I travelled through Central America for 7 months and was lucky to capture numerous stories, including my submission. My main problem is even when I have good images I find it almost impossible to get them published. I feel I'm at the stage where winning this competition and having the opportunity to learn from Jason could be that one bit of luck I need to really kick start my career. If the judges take a risk on me and award me this prize I know they won't regret it.

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