My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
Kenya | Saturday, January 12, 2013 | 5 photos
Some people enjoy the waiting process of fishing, others to feel the blood rush of hunting, while several others may be chasing stars through telescopes on clear night skies. I have found all of the above in photography by collecting moments snatched by the shutter of my camera. Each shot taken posses a question for me not just as to the reasons of my theme selection , but also as to the ways in which I could improve my photographic expressionism in achieving the required result. Each photo taken leads me to a next evolving step and I do feel strong every time I say that my best pictures are the ones I have failed to take, either because I went out without a camera accompanying my hand, or because I wasn't prepared for what was to unfold before my very eyes. Either way there is a clear challenge laying in front of me through this continuous seek of evolution, and it is all these ´lost´ pictures vividly carved in my mind that lead my steps every time I knee to capture the next frame.
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