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A new perspective

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

China | Thursday, July 4, 2013 | 5 photos

What is it about a good photograph that captures the viewer? Is it just the composition? The lighting? The depth of field? The subject? Perhaps it is all of these things, yet perhaps there is something much deeper that us humans look for.

One of my passions is understanding the strong connection between people and environment. I love seeing how place has shaped peoples way of life and how humans have adapted and thrived in a wide range of climates and conditions. From a young age of 17, I have had a strong passion for traveling the world and capturing what stands out for me. I love seeing what others pass by on a regular basis, and capture it in a way that gets people to think differently about the “ordinary”.

Jason too has the gift of inspiring people. Through his trips around the world, he has been able to inspire and show people the unique world that we live in. My hope in working with Jason in Greenland is that he can show me how he captures the world, and the techniques he uses to do so. Two visionaries working together to change the way people view the world through photography. What could be more inspiring that that?

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