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Down to earth

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 15 August 2014 | Views [279] | Comments [1]

We had a little wait in Sydney for the flight to Canberra. I must say transfers seem so well organised, easy and smooth these days, as we moved almost seamlessly from plane to bus or train or new terminal wherever we went, but maybe we were just lucky. 

But what! A turbo prop awaited us out on the tarmac... Now this did feel like very hard work, not only to get up off the ground, but SO VERY NOISY in comparison to our super modern, streamlined, whisper quiet Airbus; however this old plane delivered us efficiently, safe and sound a short time later onto the runway in sunny Canberra, from where I could see Simon's tall figure with Lucy beside him in the window, waving from the lounge. After six weeks we were all very happy to be reunited, but unfortunately we had to force ourselves to deliver Lucy to school, (luckily only half an hour late), then Simon drove us home.

Joy of joy, the wattles along the highway were putting on a riotous welcome for us, already in their spring garb, and on our arrival home we disturbed two fine grey shrike thrushes under the eaves of the back verandah, who then proceeded to fearlessly serenade one another (and us), with many variations of their melodious spring song.

However! Oh dear, disaster! A walk down to the veggie garden revealed the gate open and many veggies trampled and eaten, including ALL the rhubarb leaves!! Maybe the pesky possum and swamp wallaby will leave us alone for a while now though, as they nurse severe (we hope NOT fatal???) stomach upsets!

Despite this little setback we took our morning coffee out on the front verandah, dusted off the spiders webs, glad to bask in the warm sun, and enjoy once again that incredibly true blue sky, and, not least, the enthusiastic vocal spring hijinks of the frogs on the dam.







Hi Joan

Welcome home! What a wonderful holiday you had. I look forward to catching up with you over lunch one day, when you have caught up on all your sleep!


  Deborah Munro Aug 20, 2014 1:28 PM

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