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Jessica's Brazilian Adventure

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Brazil | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

Photography has always been an interest of mine but I haven't been able to explore it until recently. In the spring of 2012 I was granted a fellowship to study abroad in Brazil and I absolutely fell in love with the country and people. I chose the best photos from that journey to convey my favorite things about Brazil. I also read a book recently called The Bang Bang club about war photographers working in South Africa at the end of apartheid. It was a really interesting book and I learned a lot about the lives of people who constantly get into harms way to get the perfect shot. While in Brazil, I loved taking pictures of the people, the wildlife, the landscape, and also the architecture. The architecture there is quite beautiful. It has a lot of old colonial buildings that I was constantly taking pictures of.
I feel like the life of a travel photographer would be the life for me. I love travel, adventure, meeting different people, eating strange things, learning new cultures, and of course capturing it all with my camera.

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