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Harmonious Transmissions From A Small Blue Planet Inspirations, reflections, creations, and spontaneous ramblings as my soul permeates all time and space.

Gallery: New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 27 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

Sheep, etc.
See all 83 photos >>

Ode to Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Friday, 27 Jun 2008 | Views [609] | Comments [1]

Shiva effortlessly dances, Destroying centuries of labor and toil. Jungle creeps hypnotically to his rhthym: Trees and vines twist and tangle, Topple and tumble. The Great Mother reclaims what she once lended... Farewell to the great civlizations ... Read more >

Hanging Around the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Part 2

VIETNAM | Friday, 27 Jun 2008 | Views [1193]

Dalat is an anamoly of Vietnam. While the rest of the south is blazing hot, Dalat remains cool and collected. Really, it's a breath of fresh air...perhaps because of the alpine-rainforest fusion; on the other hand it could be the Vietnamese "highlanders"... Read more >

Gallery: Thailand

THAILAND | Saturday, 31 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 31 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

The Land of a Thousand Temples
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Hanging Around the Ho Chi Minh Trail...Part 1

VIETNAM | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [1373] | Comments [2]

If I had a Vietnamese dating network profile, it would read some thing like: enjoys motorbike rides through the countryside, sipping fresh highland coffee with a good book, and watching sunsets silhouette fishermen sliding by in small teacup boats. Actually, ... Read more >

Movies, Mickey Ds, and Mochas...oh my!

HONG KONG | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [694]

I've never tasted a better Frappucino than that first sip in Hong Kong. After a couple months of drinking green tea, eating rice and stuffed dumplings, I savored a quick fix of caffeine and indulged in a plate of Indian curry. 7-11s, Outbacks, and those ... Read more >

Journey to the East

CHINA | Tuesday, 26 Feb 2008 | Views [777]

The Far East greeted Jake and I with some much appreciated showers.  Our ambassador capital to Asian culture seemed fitting...Beijing...a relic of ancient Chinese culture and a vision of its future in the same place...and currently developing at lightspeed ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

A View From The Roof of the World

CHINA | Sunday, 13 Jan 2008 | Views [1272] | Comments [1]

Have you ever visited a place so surreal, it seems each passing moment is that of a dream? My imagination conjures up places like Yosemite Valley, the Olympic rainforest, the boulder forest of Fontainebleau, and the underwater world of Dahab...and ... Read more >

Tags: adventures, tibet

Walk Like An Egyptian

EGYPT | Sunday, 13 Jan 2008 | Views [4623]

If the overcrowded confusion of the ferry from Jordan to Egypt was any foretelling indication of my travels in Egypt, I knew I was in for a rollercoaster of fast-paced chaos. Arriving at port, I left behind a sea of stationwagons, with every piece ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Gallery: Egypt

EGYPT | Saturday, 12 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

Divin' and Glyphin'
See all 15 photos >>

Gallery: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 6 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

Ho Down in the Land of Ho Chi Minh
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Gallery: Hong Kong

HONG KONG | Tuesday, 4 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

everybody was kung fu fighting
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Gallery: Tibet

CHINA | Tuesday, 4 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

small on oxygen, big on beauty
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Welcome to Jordan

JORDAN | Sunday, 2 Sep 2007 | Views [2938] | Comments [3]

Arrving by night to Jordan's second largest city, Irbid, I awoke to a much different scene than I had yet witnessed in my travels.  As I peered out my third story window, a colorful and fully-clothed mass of Arab men and women scrambled around the numerous ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

A New Education

ISRAEL | Friday, 24 Aug 2007 | Views [1110]

Exhausted from a red-eye flight from Athens, my first short-lived sleep in Israel was on the Mediterranean golden sand beaches of Tel Aviv as the sun rose and illuminated the sky and clouds various hues of pink, orange, and blue.  I soon realized that ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: Jordan

JORDAN | Friday, 3 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Now we're in camel country!
See all 59 photos >>

Gallery: China

CHINA | Thursday, 2 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

Gateway to the East
See all 68 photos >>

Gallery: Israel

ISRAEL | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

Adventures in the Holy Land
See all 52 photos >>

Gallery: Greece

GREECE | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

A Visual Representation of my Scooter Diaries
See all 37 photos >>

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