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At the Base of Desolation

My Scholarship entry - A 'Place' I have visited: The Base of Desolation.

USA | Saturday, January 12, 2013 | 5 photos

Hello, I am Jacob Bearden. I have lived all my life in a small southern town. My parents are hard-working people who have done their best but I have never been more than a 6 hour car trip away from home. At 15, I received a computer, where I learned Photoshop and manipulating images. Senior year I was awarded an academic scholarship and I knew I was going to major in Graphic Art. College opened up new opportunities. I registered for an intro to photography class believing this would be relevant to my degree but never knowing how it would change my life. My parents bought me a Camera for class believing when those classes were over my mother would enjoy using the camera. However, I am hooked. I see everything from a different view. Photography is not just an image or a job. It is being able to capture an image that takes your mind to another place and being able to convey that message to others. I relish the opportunity to learn as much as I can, to absorb everything being taught; to see and learn about things, people and cultures that I may never see again. I want to travel, be amazed and capture images that will amaze others.This opportunity will help me accomplish this.

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