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Happy New Year from the top of the world

SWITZERLAND | Monday, 31 December 2007 | Views [1000] | Comments [1]

Happy New Years everyone. You all get it 10 hours before me but I'm planning on being up a mountain... did I mention in the Alps - maybe even jumping out of helicopter as you guys count down to 2008 so I can't be overly jealous. That said, have a fantastic 10 hours of 2008 without me and I'll join you all in the new year...

I'm in the most spectacular place I've ever seen in my life... Interlaken, Switzerland. I'm writing with a view of the alps behind the computer - it's tough but someone has to do it.  We got in last night and will be here for New Years, last night we were came downstairs in our hostel to find an amazing local band, playing Spanish music , and all for free. Hours of wonderful entertainment.

Because I've been so lazy of late I'll just give a brief rundown of my adventures...

We spent 6 nights in Amsterdam with Chris and Xav, school friends of ours, and we had the first really relaxed time we've had yet - it was great actually having somewhere to call home for more than 3 days. Our first morning we got up to a white Amsterdam - I was daft enough not to have my camera though so there's not actually any proof - but it was pretty beautiful.

Christmas did not feel very Christmassy but that said we had friends there to share it with so it made it a lot better.

We missed a connecting train to Paris on Boxing Day but sorted it all out and ended up at a strange little hostel about 9pm. We went adventuring and managed to find half of the Eiffel tower (clouds just get in the way), a tradition that continued throughout our stay so I have a whole collection of pictures of the bottom half of the tower. It's definitely big despite my half impressions of it.

Montmarte was beautiful and the Sacre Couer stunning. The Louvre was so full of people and had so many pieces that both of us got fed up and left after about half an hour - we did see the Mona Lisa though.

Yesterday we left Paris after struggles we managed to get onto a train to Basel and then to Interlaken. We stupidly hadn't booked seats on boxing day but we convinced the conducter to let us on and sat in the side parts of the train for the trip. In the end we're here now which is all that matters.

he sky was clear last night when we arrived and I got to see proper stars for the first time on this trip which was exciting - the town has a Katoomba sort of feel and I'm really enjoying the small town nature of this place, feels a lot more like home.

And then this morning we woke up to a snow covered town, snow capped peaks, blue sky, fresh air, and after laundry time - clean clothes (it's sad but I can't explain how good that feels). So I'm pretty happy right now, if it continues like this it should be a great new year, hopefully indicative of the fantastic 2008 that I'm hoping for. In fact I'm contemplating coming back here to work for a month next summer, we'll see.

So that's about it. Hope you're all having a good time back home and enjoy tomorrow night.

Hasta luego all,

From real true mountains,


Tags: Snow



Hi Jess,
Happy New Year to you both!
Glad to hear you're still OK and having fun. Will send an email later with more info...it's been the usual hectic, busy Xmas and festive season.
Lots of love, Mum XXX

  Judy Frazer Jan 1, 2008 4:12 PM

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