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Hans and Leonie's Travels World Trip

Gallery: egypt

EGYPT | Sunday, 27 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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THAILAND | Sunday, 27 Sep 2009 | Views [394] | Comments [1]

Well we got to phuket today   - check out some of the photos from Egypt Lost lees suitcase for all of about 5 hours - panic in the camp Bit when we came back from Dinner it was sitting in our room Smiles all around for that one Were ready to reLAX ... Read more >

Tags: jungles of phuket


CANADA | Saturday, 19 Sep 2009 | Views [343] | Comments [2]

We are having a top time in Egypt even though it is very hotand a case of the You know what but we are having fun We have seen the pyramids and today the Luxor temples - Wow the pillars are really big and pyramids impressive Yesterday we were on a ... Read more >

Gallery: To england

CANADA | Tuesday, 8 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Lees Birthday

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 8 Sep 2009 | Views [328] | Comments [2]

Here we are in Potten in England and about to go out with Lilly and Simon for Lees Birthday Thank you all for your good wishes. Lee was happy to here from you all We are staying with lilly and Simon until Friday when we fly to Egypt. sorry I have ... Read more >

Tags: loving london

Back in London

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 2 Sep 2009 | Views [318] | Comments [1]

After a great 4 days catching up with the family in holland Namely Marty and Reit and Theo we headed back to London and are now at Earls court YHA We have caught up with our washing and are now awaiting the flight to Egypt on the 11th of September.... Read more >


CANADA | Wednesday, 26 Aug 2009 | Views [397]

We are now in Holland and we have managed to find three of Hans's relatives in his home town of Amersfoort We had Rice table which is are indonesian dishes served with you guessed it rice. It was super terrific food and a very pleasant evening was had ... Read more >

Tags: holland

Vienna to Rhine

CANADA | Friday, 21 Aug 2009 | Views [400] | Comments [1]

Our tour of Europe is rapidly coming to an end we finish in holland tommorrow we have only one address for relatives and are not sure if they got our Email Wish us luck in catching up with people Prices here are through the roof a beer and coke ... Read more >

Greece to Viena

CANADA | Sunday, 16 Aug 2009 | Views [270]

So here we are in Viena Had a lovely trip of the greek Islands Got a swim in the 38 degree heat Then another boat to Italy amnd San Marina a truly magnificent place The Venice Very Expensive $40 for a cup of coffee and a tiny cake.  but we still shoped ... Read more >

Gallery: greece to Viena

GREECE | Sunday, 16 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

Wonderful world
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Italy and Greece

GREECE | Monday, 10 Aug 2009 | Views [457]

Hi All We are exhausted but continuing on Bravely - today in Athens and Tomorrow the Greek Islands Today we saw a beautiful 100frt5 yacht passing through the Corinth Canal you Know Chorinth - Paul and all his letters We have photos but we hAVNT LOADED ... Read more >

Barcelona to Nice

CANADA | Sunday, 2 Aug 2009 | Views [321] | Comments [1]

We had a long trip today as the freeways were overcrowded with holiday makers as they all started Friday We were in a carpark most of the day as it took us 13 hours to travel from Barcelona to Nice  Got to the hotel at 9.00 PM Pool closes a 9.00 and ... Read more >

Gallery: London Paris

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 1 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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London to Barcelona

CANADA | Saturday, 1 Aug 2009 | Views [473]

Well here we are in Barcelona - Dancing fountains, monks in the mountains and strangely designed unfinished churches sorry to havE got of the radar IN eUROPE BUT THE WI FI IS NOT AS GOOD as in CanADA We had a good time in Londonfor three days -Tower;... Read more >

Resting in Toronto

CANADA | Thursday, 23 Jul 2009 | Views [331]

We are now back in Toronto after ag reat trip around the countyside We have beeen restocking  our energy for our flight to London on Thursday We have a newcamera, haircut and colour and some new clothes and some more energy So our next story will ... Read more >

Gallery: East Canada

CANADA | Sunday, 19 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Toronto and surrounds
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Gallery: Canada

CANADA | Thursday, 9 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Canada photos
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Banff and the Rockies

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 6 Jul 2009 | Views [294]

We are  now  well advanced on our first Tour - Tonight we are in banff in the middle of the rockies. Tomorrow we go rafting so - Yes both lee and hans   - Well outside our comfort zones Weve been Lee - Go carting and Hans Kayaking The Rockies are wonderful ... Read more >

Gallery: Australia Prior

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 6 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

Before the trip
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