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Paris Streets

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

France | Saturday, July 6, 2013 | 5 photos

I am all for change.I believe it is necessary, inevitable. When it comes to experiencing change in my life, I don’t tend think it’s that necessary.It never fails to surprise me, and it tends to make me feel lost and disconnected from everything around me.While feeling this lack of a connection to life during these times of change,I have found that photography is what helps me find my footing.By going out with my camera and shooting what attracts my eye,I create something permanent;something that cannot be changed because the moment captured is already gone. The photograph becomes my PSD, my personal safety device in that even when everything around me is altering,I can hold onto something concrete.I relied on photography when I left upstate New York after study in Paris. I was without any of my usual PSDs.But when I went onto the foreign streets with my Nikon, I no longer felt alone or out of control. I had the power to capture moments, and feel that I could show the world something only I was experiencing. I was afloat.I want to be a photojournalist because I love how they can freeze moments to recognize change so that it can be remembered as necessary by future generations.

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