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Buck Stopped Here

About jeffryhoffman


I'm Jeff. I have never really stayed in one place for too long. I have moved ten times in the last 6 years, lived in 4 different cities, and never seem to be able to settle down. I thought I had found something that would keep me in one place, but unfortunately that fell through. I will be 28 this year, it has been 6 years since my last big travel adventure and I think it is about time to see a little more of this planet, a little more of these people. I'm a little older, hopefully a little wiser but I guess we will find out when I get where I am going. I have sold off and gotten rid of nearly everything I own. The last of my stuff is stored in a tiny closet at my parent's house. My debts are paid off and I have nothing and no one holding me here. I am starting my journey in Nepal to see the tallest mountains in the world. Then making my way down to Southeast asia, for some inexpensive fun in the sun, hopefully scuba diving, rock-climbing and cycling. I am hoping to find some inspiration for what I want to do next, tired of putting things on shelves, and if any of you are interested you can come along for the ride. Be talking to you soon.



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