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Inside Cambodia

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Cambodia | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

Most of my friends say I have the "eye" in photography.

I am a 27-year old Filipino but working in Singapore as an Architectural Designer. Architecture is my first love but travelling and photography has always been my passion. My brother is usually my travel-buddy and I uses his DSLR to take good photos. However, most of the time I take photos with my point-and-shoot or mobile camera. I hope to have my own DSLR someday though.

My friends' faith in my capabilities and skills in photography made me believe that I am qualified and deserves to be part of this learning adventure. Although I may be a neophyte photographer, I am also willing to step up the plate in photography through learning every technical and practical aspect of it that soon I would personally apply it as I perform an actual photography sessions. Above all, the mentorship opportunity made me more interested to apply, especially if it is by a renowned and well-experienced international photographer.

By winning this scholarship, I could give something to my family and my country to be proud of. However, by gaining experiences and knowledge that last, I could give something more, such as a legacy that could passed on to the next generations--through photos that made an impact to the society.

About jeffpeteza

Stands at the centre of Angkor Thom in Cambodia, the Bayon is a Khmer temple distinctively known with its more than 200 stone faces intricately carved in massive towers seemed to appear as muddle of stones and sort of moving chaos assaulting the sky.

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