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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Canada | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 5 photos

I am 21 years young, and really just starting to get into photography. Ever since high school, i have always found something really unique about capturing one single frame in a moment going by. Since then really been exploring all of the different aspects of photography. There are so many different types, and although everyone has their own preferences, I really want to explore beauty of every type.
That being said I really enjoy traveling, and photography goes hand and hand. If I had to chance to explore whats out there without jobs getting in the way, and computer running out of space. I would be out all the time! Going to New Zealand really set a whole new standard for beauty for me, and that is only the beginning of what is on this earth.
Also for me, taking a picture has a whole lot more to it then lining up the shot, and getting the lighting just right. I find a major part of it has to do with timing, and patience.
I really hope that you guys pick me, because like you said it would work the whole time. I would give my 100% the whole time, and would be so grateful for every opportunity given to me. Thanks for your time!

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