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Out of my Comfort Zone and into The World

Trip: WorldNomads Scholarship

There are [3] stories from my trip: WorldNomads Scholarship

Catching a Moment - Coming Home

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 2 Apr 2013 | Views [441] | Scholarship Entry

Across the farming land I see them. The high rises of my home town. Two concrete wheat silos standing tall above the mallee scrub. Their corrugated tin roofs reflecting the hot summer sun’s rays back up into the brilliant blue, cloudless sky, and I know ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Writing Scholarship 2013

Photos: My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 17 Dec 2012 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Growing up I remember getting out the old family slides and photos. Holding the slides up to the window and being amazed at the picture reflected back at me. The joy of the stories Mum told me as we flicked through the thousands of photos. In 2005 ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

My Scholarship entry - Seeing the world through other eyes - A log ride with the Hmong's

WORLDWIDE | Wednesday, 11 Apr 2012 | Views [1151] | Scholarship Entry

Our morning hike through the hill tribes of Sa Pa was almost over. We ventured into the clearing half way down a steep hill, across from us; a steam flowed down the hillside. As we sat and rested, 5 westerners and our guide, I watched the local ... Read more >

Tags: hill tribe hikes, hmong tribes, sa pa, travel writing scholarship 2012, vietnam