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I Lift My Eyes Up, Up To The Mountains I pursue Him who first pursued me: the One who spread out the clouds as a curtain, who fashioned the earth by hand, the One who makes the clouds a chariot and walks on the wings of the wind. -Psalm 104


There are [0] photos and [1] story tagged with "xandari resort".

Dia quatro: Arenal to Playa de Esterillos, Costa Rica

COSTA RICA | Wednesday, 11 Mar 2009 | Views [2137]

Wednesday, 11 March 2009 Up at 7:30 a.m.  Packed gear.  While others packed, wondered down to hostel café for an early caffeine kick.  Left gear at hostel.  Headed out for breakfast and morning trip to  Arenal Volcano Observatory.  Took a good 30 ... Read more >

Tags: arenal volcano, esterillos, interbus, jaco, playa, xandari resort

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